Top Front-end
Development Services In India

Hidden Brains, one of the top front-end development companies in India, we build apps with aesthetically appealing and superior functionalities. Using a range of front-end technologies & frameworks like HTML, CSS, React, Angular, and Vue.js, we offer high-quality front end development services in India ensuring that enhancing your digital presence is future-proof.

  • Work with in India Top 1% Frontend Developers
  • Strict NDA for Information Security
  • Flexible Engagement & Quick Onboarding
  • Agile/DevOps Enabled For Faster TTM
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Front-end Development Services
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The Fastest-growing CompanyDeloitte Technology Fast 50
CES Innovation Awards
CES Innovation AwardsSmart Home Category
Bizz Award
Bizz AwardBusiness Excellence Award
The Economic Times
The Economic TimesFuture Ready Organization
The Fastest-growing Company
The Fastest-growing CompanyDeloitte Technology Fast 50
CES Innovation Awards
CES Innovation AwardsSmart Home Category

Discover Hidden Brains through Client Success Stories

Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial
Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial
Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Chris Folayan Testimonial
Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial
Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial
Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Chris Folayan Testimonial
Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial
Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA

Resolving Challenges With Frontend Development Services

Hidden Brains addresses the unique challenges enterprises encounter in front-end development. Our top front-end developers in India hold expertise in seamlessly integrating systems, real-time data optimization, cross-platform compatibility, and scalable, high-performance solutions. Hire Frontend Developers from our team to leverage their skills and ensure your project achieves the highest standards of quality and performance.
Integrating modern front-end with legacy systems
Optimizing real-time data display
Ensuring universal compatibility
Scaling effortlessly for high performance
Providing robust security & regulatory compliance
Simplifying intricate workflows
Offering inclusive accessibility,
Boosting user engagement

Start Your Journey to Digital Excellence!

Front-end Development Services Portfolio: Unveiling Our Digital Masterpieces

Our portfolio of front end development services reflects the transformative power of our expertise, and envision how we can elevate your digital presence. Each front end development project is specially tailored and portrays our dedication to excellence, creativity, and client satisfaction.

Our Frontend Solutions Recognized & Featured In

Front End Development Services In India: Creating Digital Brilliance

Our Front end development services are meticulously designed to create digital brilliance that captivates and engages users. With a team of front-end development coders in India, armed with cutting-edge technologies and a passion for innovation, we transform your ideas into captivating digital experiences.

Responsive Web Design

Crafting visually stunning and functionally impeccable websites that adapt seamlessly across devices. Our responsive web designs ensure a consistent and engaging user experience on desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

User Interface (UI) Development

Translating creative designs into intuitive and interactive user interfaces. Our UI development expertise focuses on enhancing user engagement through aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly designs.

Single Page Applications (SPA)

Elevating user experiences with dynamic and efficient Single Page Applications. We harness the power of frameworks like React and Angular to create fast, responsive, and highly interactive web applications.

Front-end Optimization

Optimizing FrontEnd performance for speed, efficiency, and an exceptional user experience. From code optimization to asset management, we ensure your web applications load swiftly and deliver optimal performance.

Cross-Browser Compatibility

Ensuring your web applications perform consistently across various browsers. Our Cross-Browser Compatibility services guarantee a uniform user experience, irrespective of the browser choice.

Accessibility Implementation

Making digital experiences inclusive by implementing accessibility features. We ensure your websites and applications adhere to accessibility standards, providing equal access to all users.

Front-end Frameworks

Leveraging the power of industry-leading FrontEnd frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.js, we at Hidden Brains excel in creating sophisticated digital experiences. Our proficiency in these frameworks enables us to build scalable, modular, and feature-rich applications that not only meet but exceed modern web standards.

Micro frontend development

Embrace agility and scalability with Micro Frontend Development, a methodology that involves breaking down FrontEnd applications into smaller, independent modules, allowing for seamless development, deployment, and scalability. Each micro frontend operates independently, fostering parallel development efforts and facilitating efficient maintenance

Legacy frontend modernization

Revitalize and future-proof your FrontEnd applications with Legacy Frontend Modernization services. Upgrade outdated user interfaces, enhance user experiences, and ensure compatibility with modern technologies. Transform legacy systems into modern, responsive, and feature-rich interfaces while preserving essential functionalities.

AMP App Development Services

Accelerate your mobile web experiences with AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) App Development Services. Leverage the power of Google's open-source initiative to create lightning-fast, high-performing, and mobile-friendly web pages. Ensure optimal user engagement and faster loading times with AMP app development tailored to your business needs.

Front-End Design and Architecture

Elevate your digital presence with expert Front-End Design and Architecture services. Collaborate with our skilled designers and architects to craft visually stunning, intuitive, and user-centric FrontEnd interfaces. Achieve a perfect blend of aesthetics and functionality while ensuring seamless user interactions and a delightful user experience.

Progressive Web App Development (PWA)

Embrace the future of web applications with Progressive Web App (PWA) Development services. Deliver engaging, reliable, and fast web experiences that mimic native app functionalities. Enhance user engagement with features like offline access, push notifications, and responsive design, providing users with an immersive and app-like experience on the web.

Our Front-end Development Technologies: Powering Digital Innovation

Leveraging the power of the latest frontend technologies, frameworks, and tools we build interfaces that not only impress but also perform flawlessly. Let Hidden Brains be your front end development service partner to embrace digital excellence.
  • Component-Based
    React follows a modular structure, allowing the creation of reusable and maintainable UI components.
  • Virtual DOM
    React's virtual DOM ensures optimal rendering performance by selectively updating only the changed parts of the actual DOM.
  • Rich Ecosystem
    The extensive library ecosystem and community support make React an ideal choice for scalable and feature-rich applications.
  • Facebook-backed Reliability
    Being developed and maintained by Facebook, React benefits from continuous improvements, updates, and reliable support.
  • Two-Way Data Binding:
    Angular facilitates seamless synchronization between the model and view, reducing the need for manual intervention.
  • Dependency Injection
    The framework's dependency injection system enhances modularity, making it easier to manage and test code.
  • CLI Tools
    Angular's Command Line Interface (CLI) provides powerful tools for scaffolding, building, testing, and deploying applications
  • Full-Fledged Framework
    As a full-fledged MVC framework, Angular offers a comprehensive solution, providing ready-made solutions for routing, forms, and more.
  • Versatile Integration
    Vue.js can be integrated into existing projects gradually, making it an excellent choice for incremental development.
  • Reactive Data Binding
    Vue's reactive data binding ensures efficient handling of data changes and updates in the user interface.
  • Lightweight and Approachable
    Vue's gentle learning curve and clear documentation make it accessible to developers with varying skill levels.
  • Flexibility and Simplicity
    Vue's simplicity makes it a great choice for projects of varying scales, offering flexibility without compromising performance.
  • Declarative Bindings
    Knockout simplifies UI updates by using declarative bindings, reducing the need for manual DOM manipulation.
  • Extensibility
    Developers can extend and customize bindings to suit specific project requirements.
  • Automatic UI Updates
    Knockout automatically updates the UI when underlying data changes, ensuring consistency between the model and view.
  • Compatibility with Legacy Code
    Knockout seamlessly integrates with existing codebases, making it suitable for modernizing legacy applications.
  • Broad Browser Support
    JavaScript is supported by all major browsers, ensuring cross-browser compatibility.
  • Asynchronous Programming
    JavaScript supports asynchronous programming, enabling the creation of responsive and efficient web applications.
  • Extensive Libraries
    The language has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, contributing to accelerated development.
  • Dynamic and Versatile
    As a dynamically typed language, JavaScript offers versatility, making it suitable for both front-end and back-end development.
  • Static Typing
    TypeScript introduces static typing, catching potential errors during development and improving code reliability.
  • Enhanced Tooling
    TypeScript enhances development tooling, providing features like code navigation, refactoring, and intelligent autocompletion.
  • Gradual Adoption
    TypeScript allows for gradual adoption in existing JavaScript projects, facilitating a smooth transition.
  • Readability and Maintainability
    Type annotations in TypeScript improve code readability, making it easier to understand and maintain.
  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
    Next.js supports SSR, enhancing SEO and providing a better initial load experience.
  • Automatic Code Splitting
    The framework automatically splits code into smaller chunks, optimizing performance.
  • Built-in API Routes
    Next.js simplifies the creation of API routes, facilitating backend integration.
  • Effortless Deployment
    NextJS offers seamless deployment with platforms like Vercel, making it easy to deploy and scale applications.
  • Universal Applications
    Nuxt.js allows the creation of universal (server-side rendered) Vue.js applications for improved SEO and performance.
  • Automatic Routing
    he framework provides automatic routing based on the project structure, reducing the need for manual configuration.
  • Extensive Plugin Ecosystem
    Nuxt.js boasts a rich ecosystem of plugins, enhancing development capabilities.
  • Vue Integration
    NuxtJS seamlessly integrates with Vue.js, providing a powerful framework for Vue applications.
  • Static Site Generation (SSG)
    Gatsby supports SSG, resulting in lightning-fast websites by pre-rendering pages at build time.
  • Rich Data Source Integration
    Gatsby seamlessly integrates with various data sources, allowing developers to pull in data from multiple platforms.
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) Support
    Gatsby facilitates the creation of PWAs, providing a reliable and engaging user experience.
  • GraphQL Integration
    Gatsby's native integration with GraphQL simplifies data fetching and management.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces, renowned for its component-based architecture and efficient rendering through the use of a virtual DOM.

Angular is a comprehensive front-end framework developed by Google, offering a robust solution for building dynamic web application.

Vue.js is a progressive JavaScript framework that focuses on simplicity and flexibility, allowing developers to incrementally adopt its features.

Knockout is a JavaScript library that facilitates the implementation of Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) architecture, providing a simple & declarative way to bind UI.

JavaScript is a versatile and widely-used scripting language that empowers web developers to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to websites.

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that introduces static typing and other features, enhancing code quality and maintainability.

Next.js is a React-based framework that enables server-side rendering and simplifies the creation of robust and scalable React applications.

Nuxt.js is a framework for building Vue.js applications by incorporating server-side rendering, routing, and other essential features.

Gatsby is a React-based framework for creating modern and optimized websites and web applications with a focus on speed and performance.

Microsoft Front End Development

Let's Build Your Digital Success Story!

Join Thousands of Satisfied Clients and Embrace Digital Success with Hidden Brains' Front End Expertise.

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Front End Development Technologies Comparison: Choose Your Digital Arsenal

In the ever-evolving landscape of front-end app development services, making the right technology choice can be the game-changer for your digital projects. Here is a comprehensive comparison of various top front-end technologies, each with its unique strengths and capabilities:
Component based architecture
Learning curve
Community and ecosystem
Maintained by Facebook, widely adopted in the industry.
Component-based, reusable UI elements.
Easier for beginners due to its simplicity.
Fast rendering, but may require additional configurations for optimization.
Large and active community, extensive third-party libraries.
Developed and maintained by Google, known for enterprise applications.
Fully featured MVC architecture.
Steeper learning curve but offers powerful features.
Complex applications may experience slower initial load times.
Robust ecosystem, strong support for enterprise development.
Growing in popularity for its simplicity and flexibility.
Lightweight, progressive framework with a component-based structure.
Designed to be approachable for both beginners and advanced developers.
Lightweight and performs well, especially in small to medium-sized applications.
Growing community, rich ecosystem for diverse applications.
Type system
Tooling and development experience
Code maintainability
Adoption and community
Dynamically typed.
Minimal setup, suitable for small projects.
May require additional effort for larger projects.
Widely supported by browsers and platforms.
Ubiquitous, with an enormous community.
Adds static typing, catching errors during development.
Stronger tooling support, enhanced developer experience.
Improved maintainability through static typing.
Compiles down to JavaScript, ensuring broad compatibility.
Growing adoption, particularly in larger projects.
Learning curve
Framework purpose
Data fetching
Plugin ecosystem
Beginner-friendly, particularly for React developers.
Strong performance with optimized SSR and static site generation.
Universal JavaScript applications with server-side rendering (SSR)
Provides multiple data fetching options, including static site
Robust ecosystem with many plugins available.
Easier learning curve for Vue developers.
Efficient server-side rendering, suitable for performance-critical applications.
Extends Vue.js for server-side rendering, static site generation, and single-page applications (SPAs).
Offers various methods for data fetching with server-side rendering.
Extensive module system for extending functionality.
Requires familiarity with React but well-documented for newcomers.
Optimized for speed with efficient data loading and prefetching.
Focuses on building fast, content-driven websites using React.
Excellent data sourcing capabilities for building content-rich websites.
Rich plugin ecosystem for seamless integrations.

Advanced Architectural Solutions

With the reputation of a top front-end development company in India, our front developers build a solid architectural foundation of digital solutions that ensures robustness and scalability. We not only meet your immediate needs but also lay the groundwork for future innovation.

Micro Frontends

Micro Frontends is an architectural style that involves decomposing a FrontEnd application into smaller, independently deployable and scalable units, often developed by separate teams.

  • Independent DeploymentEach micro frontend can be deployed and updated independently
  • Team Autonomy Different teams can work on different micro frontends
  • Isolation Issues in one micro frontend do not affect others
  • Scalability Easier to scale and manage individual parts of the application

Serverless FrontEnd

Serverless FrontEnd involves leveraging serverless computing platforms to run and manage the FrontEnd logic without the need for provisioning or maintaining servers.

  • Cost-Efficiency Pay only for the resources used during execution.
  • Automatic Scaling Automatically scales based on demand.
  • Simplified OperationsNo server management or maintenance required.
  • Focus on Development Developers can focus on writing code rather than infrastructure.

Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

SSR involves rendering the initial HTML on the server before sending it to the client, while CSR involves rendering content on the client side using JavaScript.

  • SSR Advantages Improved SEO, faster initial page load.
  •  CSR Advantages Enhanced interactivity, reduced server load after initial load.
  • SSR Challenges Increased server load during rendering.
  • CSR Challenges Potential SEO challenges, slower initial page load.

Component-Based Architecture

Component-Based Architecture involves building FrontEnd applications by organizing UI elements into reusable components.

  • Reusability Components can be reused across the application.
  • Maintainability Easier maintenance and updates to specific components.
  •  Scalability Supports building large and complex applications.
  • Collaboration Teams can work independently on different components.

Modular Architecture

Modular architecture involves dividing a software system into separate, independently replaceable, and upgradeable modules, each serving a specific functionality.

  • Scalability Easily scale by adding or removing modules.
  • Maintainability Simplifies maintenance and updates.
  • Reusability Encourages the reuse of modules across different projects.
  • Collaboration Enables parallel development by different teams on different modules.

MVC (Model-View-Controller)

MVC is a software design pattern where the application is divided into three interconnected components: Model (data and business logic), View (user interface), and Controller (handles user input and manages the flow of data between the Model and View).

  • Separation of Concerns Divides responsibilities for better organization.
  •  Modularity Enhances code maintainability and reusability.
  • Parallel Development Allows independent development of Model, View, and Controller.
  • Flexibility Easier to modify or extend individual components without affecting others.

Dumb-Smart Components

This concept involves categorizing components in a FrontEnd application into two types: Dumb (presentational) components, which focus on rendering UI, and Smart (container) components, which handle logic, data fetching, and state management.

  • Separation of Concerns Clarifies the role of each component.
  • Reusability Dumb components can be reused across different parts of the application.
  • Testing Easier testing of presentational and container logic separately.
  • Maintainability Simplifies the maintenance of UI and logic.

State Management Strategies

State Management Strategies involve handling and managing the state (data) of a FrontEnd application efficiently.

  • Predictability Clear and predictable state changes.
  • Debugging Easier debugging and tracking of application state.
  • Consistency Ensures consistency in data across components.
  • Scalability Scales well as the application grows.

Responsive Design Patterns

Responsive Design Patterns involve designing FrontEnd applications to adapt and provide optimal user experiences across different devices and screen sizes.

  • Improved User Experience Consistent and optimized user experience.
  • SEO Benefits Responsive design can positively impact SEO.
  • Cost-Efficiency Single codebase for multiple devices.
  • Future-Proofing Adaptable to new devices and screen sizes.

GraphQL Integration

GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request only the data they need, reducing over-fetching and under-fetching of data.

  • Efficient Data Fetching Clients specify the data they need, reducing data traffic.
  • Flexibility Single endpoint for multiple data requests.
  • Improved Performance Reduced payload size for requests.
  • Rapid Development Facilitates rapid development by providing the exact data needed.

Atomic Design Principles

Atomic Design involves breaking down UI elements into smaller components, known as atoms, molecules, organisms, templates, and pages.

  • Consistent UI Encourages consistency in design elements.
  • Reusability Components can be reused at various levels.
  • Scalability Scales well for design systems.
  • Collaboration Clear structure for designers and developers.

CSS-in-JS Approaches

CSS-in-JS approaches involve writing CSS styles directly in JavaScript files, providing better scoping and encapsulation.

  • Scoped Styles Avoids global scope issues in CSS.
  • Dynamic Styling Dynamically generate styles based on application state.
  • Easy Maintenance Colocates styles with components for easier maintenance.
  • Enhanced Performance Optimal loading of styles for components.

Front end Development Queries & Our Solutions with Relevant Testimonials

Let’s discuss some common challenges encountered by businesses and how our bespoke front-end development solutions address these pain points. From ensuring scalability and robust performance to guaranteeing top-tier security and compliance, we aim to meet the expectations of enterprises.
How will you ensure our frontend is both visually appealing & functionally robust?

Our experts leverage the latest technologies & frameworks to ensure that your application is fast, secure, and compatible across various devices and browsers.

Our new frontend is not only visually stunning but also incredibly user-friendly and efficient.

Mr. Stuart, UK

How can you ensure that our application performs optimally under varying loads?

We use advanced load balancing, efficient database management, microservices architecture, state-of-the-art caching mechanisms, resource optimization, and performance monitoring & testing.

Their expertise in advanced load balancing, efficient database management, and microservices architecture allowed us to handle increased traffic effortlessly.

Mr. Alexander, Austria

How can you ensure our application is secure & compliant with industry standards?

We use robust frameworks, secure coding standards, data encryption, compliance adherence, regular security audits, and secure API practices to ensure complete security.

Their proactive approach to security and adherence to compliance standards was impressive, ensuring our application was not only secure but also met all industry regulations.

Mr. Yusef, Saudi Arabia

How can we ensure our enterprise web application integrates smoothly with various systems?

Our front end development services are tailored to ensure seamless integration with a variety of systems, APIs, and third-party services as we make sure that our apps are compatible with multiple platforms and versatile enough with third-party integrations.

They navigated our complex system requirements, ensuring that our web app worked seamlessly with our existing infrastructure.

Mr. Stephen W., USA

The Advantages of Our Frontend Development Solutions in India

Our smartly designed front end development services are targeted to enhance the aesthetic appeal of web applications and drive business benefits such as enhanced user engagement, increased scalability, and robust security.

Craft intuitive and engaging user interfaces to ensure a seamless experience for your audience. Our FrontEnd solutions prioritize user-centric designs that enhance usability.

Employ optimization techniques to enhance the performance of FrontEnd applications. Our solutions prioritize speed, ensuring quick load times and optimal user interactions

Ensure consistent functionality across different web browsers. Our FrontEnd development addresses cross-browser compatibility challenges, guaranteeing a uniform experience for all users.

Implement user-centric design thinking principles in FrontEnd development. We prioritize understanding user needs, behaviors, and motivations, resulting in interfaces that resonate with your target audience.

Optimize FrontEnd solutions for an exceptional mobile experience. Our responsive designs and mobile-first approach ensure consistent performance and functionality across various devices.

Design scalable FrontEnd architectures that can evolve with your business needs. Our solutions are crafted to accommodate growth, providing a solid foundation for future expansions.

Tailor FrontEnd solutions to align with your brand identity. We prioritize customization to create a unique and recognizable online presence that resonates with your audience.

Focus on boosting conversion rates through strategic FrontEnd design. Our solutions aim to optimize user journeys, improving the likelihood of conversions and achieving your business goals.

Prioritize security in FrontEnd development to safeguard user data and maintain trust. Our team follows best practices and employs robust security measures, ensuring a secure online environment for your users.

Leverage data analytics to inform FrontEnd decisions. Our solutions integrate analytics tools, enabling you to gather valuable insights on user behavior, preferences, and overall FrontEnd performance.

Strict adherence to web standards ensures compatibility, accessibility, and future-proofing of FrontEnd solutions. Our commitment to standards compliance positions your digital assets for long-term success.

Partnering with Clients from Diverse Domains

Hidden Brains has successfully delivered front end development services for varying magnitudes and complexity for companies ranging from dynamic startups to large enterprises. Explore how we can help you achieve your business objectives with future-ready front end development services. To hire front end developers with experience and expertise, count on us.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


From ambitious entrepreneurs to VC-funded ventures, we have supported startups in their technological journey, helping them transform ideas into reality.  

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Product Companies

We have partnered with product-focused businesses, assisting them in developing and enhancing their web design & development  Services to meet market demands and stay ahead of the competition.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


Collaborating with digital agencies, we have contributed to the creation of captivating digital experiences, leveraging our expertise to deliver innovative and impactful solutions that engage and inspire. 

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


Our extensive experience working with large enterprises enables us to provide scalable web applications that handle high volumes of traffic, large data sets, and complex business processes, ensuring optimal performance.


happy clients

Commendation received from Mr. Talal Benlahsen

Working with Hidden Brains was an amazing adventure and thanks to them I could see my projects coming to reality I can simply say that they were reliable and could understand the business. It's a company I would rely on for my future projects.

Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Talal Benlahsen TestimonialVideo
Commendation received from Mr. Christopher Creel

Meet Christopher Creel, the tech visionary behind some of the most transformative innovations in the USA. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Layr, an AI-powered cloud platform that's reshaping the insurance industry. With a knack for turning complex processes into seamless digital experiences, Christopher has also co-founded Rialtic, elevating healthcare technology to new heights. He's been awarded 13 patents throughout his illustrious career, including prestigious recognitions like the HP Star Award and the Perot Inventors Award. Notably, he's received a fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, showcasing his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial Video
Commendation received from Mr. Chris Folayan

Meet Chris Folayan, the visionary Founder of OCFX INC, a California-based powerhouse that has left an indelible mark on the business landscape. With a portfolio of accolades and awards, Chris embodies excellence as an entrepreneur. Beyond the boardroom, he's a celebrated author, a guiding mentor, and an inspiring speaker. As a CEO, Board Advisor, and Consultant, Chris brings unparalleled expertise to the table, shaping the future of organizations. Explore his remarkable journey with Hidden Brains.

Mr. Chris Folayan
California, USA
Mr. Chris Folayan TestimonialVideo
Commendation received from Mr. Michael Amaldhas

It’s been an awesome experience working with Hidden Brains for many years on B2B and B2C application development. It’s great to work with such a talented, dedicated and hardworking team, we value our Partnership with Hidden Brains. I wish them all best!!

Mr. Michael Amaldhas
Los Angeles, USA
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial Video
Commendation received from Mr. Anthony Nowlan

Meet Anthony Nowlan, the creative mind behind groundbreaking innovations in the world of jewelry technology. Hailing from the vibrant Queensland, Australia, Anthony is the Director at Evotech Pacific. He is a qualified bench jeweler & gemologist. His expertise lies in revolutionizing the jewelry industry through cutting-edge technology, with a strong focus on CAD/CAM (Computer-Aided Design and Computer-Aided Manufacturing) and Rapid Prototyping. As a true Jewelry Technology Innovator, Anthony's work not only dazzles but also reshapes the way we think about jewelry craftsmanship.

Mr. Anthony Nowlan
Queensland, Australia
Mr. Anothony Nowlan Testimonial Video
Commendation received from Mr. Talal Benlahsen

Working with Hidden Brains was an amazing adventure and thanks to them I could see my projects coming to reality I can simply say that they were reliable and could understand the business. It's a company I would rely on for my future projects.

Mr. Talal Benlahsen
Mr. Talal Benlahsen TestimonialVideo
Commendation received from Mr. Christopher Creel

Meet Christopher Creel, the tech visionary behind some of the most transformative innovations in the USA. Currently, he serves as the Chief Technology Officer at Layr, an AI-powered cloud platform that's reshaping the insurance industry. With a knack for turning complex processes into seamless digital experiences, Christopher has also co-founded Rialtic, elevating healthcare technology to new heights. He's been awarded 13 patents throughout his illustrious career, including prestigious recognitions like the HP Star Award and the Perot Inventors Award. Notably, he's received a fellowship from the National Institutes of Health, showcasing his commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible.

Mr. Christopher Creel
Mr. Chris Creel Testimonial Video

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Your Queries, Our Answers: Transparent Communication at Hidden Brains

UI/UX is turned as an important part of the solutions, it is important that it should be interactive and easy to understand. Effective user interface helps you to increase user experience.

Front end development requires in- depth analysis and creative approach. It totally depends on your project requirements and technologies. Furthermore, factors such as customization and advanced features also play a role in determining the time and cost of frontend development.

Our experience in front end development allows us to collaborate with clients right from inception, and development to support. We offer a proven track record of success in building user-focused web and mobile applications, and through our front end development services ensure that the customers achieve faster ROI.

Insights & News

Get the latest news and technology updates to stay ahead.
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