Chatbot Development

Custom chatbot to build highly sophisticated and intelligent chatbot development solutions for all major platforms.

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Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Chatbot Development

Custom Chatbot Development Services to Revolutionize Interaction with Customers.

Hidden Brains provides intelligent chatbot development solutions for diverse domains.

Our team of chatbot developers create a chatbot or build automated assistants aimed at revolutionizing the way businesses interact with customers, provide automated customer support and interactive experiences through the chatbot platform.

Empowered with AI, NLP, and Machine Learning technologies, we offer complete chatbot development services for Facebook, Twitter, Slack, Kik, Microsoft and much more. Whether you are looking to build your own chatbots, conversation bots, IVR bots, online chat bots, text bots or messaging bots, we provide differentiated services exactly tailored to meet your needs.


Specialize in Frameworks for Bot Development Services.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Microsoft Chatbot

We specialize in Azure Bot to build, test, deploy and manage intelligent bots by providing an environment for bot development with Microsoft Bot Framework. Our team creates bots that provide speech, language understanding, Q&A.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

IBM Watson

Our team can help build, deploy and optimize advanced Chatbots with Watson Assistant. Watson offers data discovery, automated predictive analytics and cognitive capabilities such as natural language dialogue to create a chatbot.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


Hidden Brains specializes in Dialogflow- an end-to-end development suite to build conversational interfaces for web, mobile apps, messaging platforms and IoT devices. Dialogflow Enterprise Edition users can access Google Cloud Support and SLA.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Facebook Bot

The Messenger Platform allows organizations to build rich and personalized experiences in Messenger. With Facebook Messenger, we help add controls to improve the user experience in the bots and implement business logic.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains


Hidden Brains is exploring Chatfuel which allows users to create their own bots on Facebook Messenger without coding. With Chatfuel development, businesses can experience higher engagement and retention rates.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Amazon Lex

Our team is exploring chatbot development with Amazon Lex to build conversational interfaces into application with deep learning functionalities and natural language understanding (NLU).

Chatbot Solutions

Focused on gaining the first-mover advantage, we help clients adopt this technology and develop a bot strategy for a cross section of industries.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Banking Bots

Secure and scalable chatbots to perform banking-related issues such as customer care, complaints, personal assistant, ATM assistant and as stock trading bots.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

E-commerce Bots

Chatbots to handle ecommerce matters such as payment related grievances or queries, personalized product search, as well as order tracking.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Insurance Bots

Advanced AI bots to handle insurance processes, advise and settle claims, suggest and sell insurance policies.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Healthcare Bots

Bots for healthcare related applications like health assistance, hospital navigator, and emergency online manager.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Travel & Hospitality Bots

Bots can enhance travel experience to manage itinerary for reminders, sightseeing, as well as recommend local attractions.

Ready to start your dream project?
We have a TEAM to get you there.

Build Automated Assistants Aimed at Providing Differentiated Services to Customers.

Success Stories

If you are looking for robust chatbot development, you can choose from our pool of dedicated developers. Our experience and tech stack allows us to develop custom Chatbot solutions. Here are our success stories!

Transforming legacy to modernized & contemporary technology

Explore how Hidden Brains migrated a 10+ year legacy system to a digital enterprise, enhancing automation and interactivity.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Revolutionizing Events and Deals with Custom Event Management Platform

A unique event management platform, providing members exclusive access to diverse events and unbeatable deals, tailored to surpass the functionalities of mainstream platforms like Eventbrite

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Overcoming Logistics Challenges with a Marketplace Innovation

Discover how our logistics marketplace transformed freight movement, tackling challenges with innovative solution for streamlined and efficient logistics operations.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

The World's First High Street Only Social Shopping App

showcasing how Hidden Brains redefined retail experiences and pioneered social commerce innovation for the digital marketplace.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

Client Testimonials

Our clients across the globe recognize our persistence to deliver industry-focused technology solutions, as well as our flexible processes.
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Dr. David BohnUnited States

I am using Hidden brains for several different apps and software. It's been a long term and great relationship, everything gets done ahead of time with great quality. I really appreciate the team Hidden Brains and do recommend you to everyone.

Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Mr. Michael AmaldhasLos Angeles, USA

It’s been an awesome experience working with Hidden Brains for many years on B2B and B2C application development. It’s great to work with such a talented, dedicated and hardworking team, we value our Partnership with Hidden Brains. I wish them all best!!

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Mr. Harjeet GarewalKingdom of Morocco

Thank you Hidden Brains for the support and for playing an instrumental role in developing the product. It's been a phenomenal journey. Looking forward to taking this Partnership forward and many more years of working together.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Mr. Mick VenningUnited Kingdom

If you are looking for a company to develop your next IT product, I like to Introduce you to Hidden Brains. HB stood out in terms of quantity and quality. They are very professional in terms of process and documentation. The kind of support I received from them I cannot imagine moving forward without Hidden Brains.

Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Talal BenlahsenBelgium

Working with Hidden Brains was an amazing adventure and thanks to them I could see my projects coming to reality I can simply say that they were reliable and could understand the business. It's a company I would rely on for my future projects.

Mr. Saint Walker Testimonial
Mr. Saint WalkerUnited States

You can talk to Hidden Brains in layman terms and they will convert your idea into reality. They are creative and enjoy their work. Hidden Brains is a very strong company and I am confident that I can recommend it to people looking for quality work.

Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Mr. Michael Amaldhas Testimonial
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains
Mr. Talal Benlahsen Testimonial
Mr. Saint Walker Testimonial

Insights & News

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Software Development Company, USA, India - Hidden Brains

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